... Holy Shit! Lucy thought that we should rent a van to move, I said ok, it's cheap, why not. I never drove a big van or even an SUV so i was wondering if even I could drive it and not crash into trees and people. But drive it i could and it was SO fucking fun. Lucy and Mo-Mo suggested I trade my Chrysler in for a U-Haul van and I would totally be up for driving a U-Haul van around all the time. Maybe not all the time but how cool would it be for someone you knew to own a U-Haul van and transport people around (like at least 10 can fit in the back compartment!).
2. Moving is Fun!
... It kind of is. Well, parts of it. Seeing all your junk crammed into the back of this huge van.
3. Worker Bees.
... Me and Lucy make quite a fucking team! We got a lot done by 5pm, just the two of us. And then when Mo-Mo and Jess C. joined our team, we were unstoppable. We moved so fast, sweat like PIGS (it was hot! i was soaking), and got everything moved by 9pm.
4. Jess C and Arthur
... Mo-Mo and Lucy and I went to pick up Jess C's mattress that she had been offering me for a few weeks. When we went to pick it up, Jess was already home from work. She brought THE cutest puppy alive out, her puppy Arthur, and we played with him in the grass. He hops and skips, he doesn't walk. He is achingly cute. It's mind shattering. Then Jess and Arthur offered to help us move! It's so fun to hang out with Jess C she is so pretty and fun to talk to and laugh with. And arthur, like i said, is the cutest creature I have ever met and I'm not saying that in a light sense. I think he really is.
5. Our Hour-Long Breaks
... The day started with a break. Dunkin Donuts, where they are having a promotion with free coffee on every Wednesday in August. I got free hot coffee and egg+cheese bagel sandwich, Lucy got free iced coffee and a bagel with chives cream cheese, and we shared a sour creme donut-- not sour cream like for mexican food, it's just what it was called, we have no idea why. I had an internet break while Lucy was in class at 10:50am. We made a quick pit stop after packing our second load at walgreens where we bought Snyder's Jalapeno-flavored pretzels. Then drove to Gyros Plus where we each had a falafel hummus gyro, mine without pickles, lucy's with extra. I had another break when we dropped Lucy off at her 6pm class where me and mo-mo smoked camels on her new porch and Jess c. and arthur talked with us. Then at the end of the night, we went to El Indio (footsteps from our new house!).
6. The Fucking Black-Out
... Half-way through our dinner at El Indio (I did not get any food cause I was still pretty full. I wasn't around to see what everyone else ordered), ALL the lights and power around us go completely out. We were sitting on one of their green tables and all of a sudden it is pitch dark. It was amazing! We all reacted accordingly as we would in that sort of situation, I thought. Arthur kept sleeping, Jess C smiled and went to talk to the people at the table next to us, Lucy was pissed cause she had shit to get done, I exaggerated the situation and hoped for days of no electricity and or the apocalypse and or zombies, and Mo-Mo freaked out. I got a text message from Danielle part-way through the black-out letting me know that the lights at Pita Pit (where I had to go work at 10pm) were also out. I was SO FUCKING PSYCHED. I called them and no one answered but when I drove there, the lights were back on. Fuck. So I dropped my 4 teammates off, Mo-Mo at her house to grab her car to take Jess C and Arthur home, Lucy to our house which still had no power, and then went in to work. Which wasn't that bad cause I had 2 beers before going in, some beer & whiskey/coke while at work. I was exhausted by the end of the night though, I started to feel like i was in a hazy day dream.
Conclusion: I don't know when I'll get around to organizing the tons of shit that's in my new house.
Thanks to: The girls on my moving team that I mentioned (oh, and arthur). And whoever made the power go out for those 30 minutes.
Epilogue: I have a new path to get to school and my Library job. I also had no food or coffee at home, so I stopped by Bagels Unlimited on my way to work. I like that now that I have a job(s) I can stop for coffee and food on my way to work and not feel too bad about it. I got a huge styrofoam cup of coffee and an everything bagel with butter. Pretty fucking tasty.

1 comment:
I will soon be posting a rebuttal.
...you were pretty good with the van, though.
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